The Face of Fairy Earthy
Hello! My name is Taylor, and I am the face of Fairy Earthy. Thank you so much for taking a moment of your time to visit my blog!
A bit about me:
I am happily married to a wonderful, supportive husband.
My cats are my babies.
I owned and operated a photography business from the time I was 16 until just a year or so ago.
I aim to one day earn a degree in Alternative Medicine.
I am a Second Degree Reiki Practitioner, working towards my Reiki Master Teacher certification.
I began this journey to find myself about six months ago, when I was struggling to stay afloat financially, unhappy with myself for my career and lifestyle choices that led me there, and just not feeling like "me". Not that I'm rolling in cash all of a sudden, but now I always have enough. With a little help from my husband (okay let's be real...a LOT), guidance from some wonderful mentors, and support from my family I finally figured out what I want to be "when I grow up" and came up with a game plan of how to get there. So, here I am taking the next step in my journey to become the best that I can be in all life leads me to do! I have to say, even though things aren't perfect (are they ever?) and I'm not where I want to be yet, just being able to visualize my future-self happy, healthy, with my husband and kitties on a piece of land somewhere running a little shop and knowing that I'm already working on the stepping stones to get me to that point is so incredibly freeing. My everyday anxieties have decreased dramatically, and I can't wait to see where this journey takes me next.
Photo credits for both images in this post: Tom TphPhoto