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Have you ever felt lost? Like you've taken on too much and you don't know how to pull yourself out of what seems like an endless sea of responsibilities? Yeah, me too. It happens all too often, and can be incredibly confusing and lonely as we try to navigate these feelings. Sometimes, all you can do is go back to the start.


As someone who has always attempted to do a million things at once, I can totally relate to the feeling of burnout. It sucks. Keep it simple, and stay focused are two lessons I am still learning the hard way, but that is exactly what led me to this moment. Everything is a lesson if you open your mind and allow yourself to grow.

Last summer I came up with the idea of Fairy Earthy as a way to do what I love and get paid to do it. The problem is, I love doing so many things that I had a hard time finding my niche....which I am still working on, and my "why" was all about money, which is not what I want. All the blog posts, business articles, YouTube videos said to find your niche, and focus on one thing. Of course, me being me, I thought I could be the one to do it all. Less than a year later and I realize exactly why they say that. I have all of these ideas for what I want to do in life, and what I should be doing in my business in order for it to grow, but I have been trying too hard to force all of these things to happen at once. It didn't take long to become super overwhelmed and scatter-brained, which led to a lot of anxiety and months of depression which I hid as best I could from everyone around me out of fear of failure and disappointment. It wasn't until I had two pretty intense breakdowns in front of my husband that I really started to snap out of it. He knows exactly what I need to hear, even if it isn't what I want to hear. He is an amazing listener, and allows me to bounce my thoughts and ideas off of him without judgement. I can be vulnerable with him without fear of rejection. Zack really helped me get out of my own head and realize I needed to take a step back and focus on becoming the best version of myself, allowing the rest to fall into place. I needed to go back to the start, and it all started with me and what brings me joy.

I had to go to a really dark place in order to see what really matters, and that's okay, because I came out of this with so much clarity.

I learned to:

  • Start small; slow and steady win the race and avoid burnout.

  • Stay focused; focus on one thing at a time

  • Trust Divine Timing; things will happen when they are meant to, not when you want them to. Trying to force things to happen before their time will only make your path bumpier. Go with the flow and know that whatever is best for your highest good is coming to you, as long as you are open to receiving.

  • Listen to your own advice; If you find yourself giving those around you advice all the time, make sure you listen to yourself every now and then.

  • Ask for help; Don't be too proud to ask for help. For real. You are never alone in life. Also, when you ask for help, be open to new thoughts and ideas, that's how you learn and grow.

  • Self-Love is not optional; Taking care of yourself is not optional, it is necessary. You cannot take care of anyone or anything else if you deplete yourself, trust me on that, I know this all too well. It doesn't always mean facials and manicures, it can be as simple as saying 'no' when someone asks to make plans, or saying 'yes' to new opportunities, or eating healthy and exercising. Just make sure you are mindful of your health, mind-body-spirit and you're off to a great start.

I have a long journey ahead of me. Each day is new and exciting. Each moment is a new opportunity to choose love and peace. Each trial is a new lesson to be learned. But with a new focus on self-awareness and self-acceptance, and a freaking incredible support system (shout out to my family, husband, cats, and close friends, you know who you are), I can manifest a life of love and happiness with ease.

Zack and I

(Photo creds: Jason Grear)

As I grow and change, so will my brand and the world around me. Look out, here I come!

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