Messages from the Mermaids and Fairies
Oracle Cards are a wonderful tool for connecting with guides to receive their messages. Utilizing the Oracle of the Mermaids deck by Lucy Cavendish, and the Healing with the Fairies deck by Doreen Virtue, I pulled a single card from each with the intention of bringing you all a message for the world's highest good! Keep in mind, these are just messages, you can do what you will with the information given, or choose to do nothing at all.
Divination (upside down) and Higher Consciousness
The Mermaids and Fairies want you to know that you are receiving messages all the time! Your guides, the universe, etc. all send you signs, symbols, and messages in your dream-state and in your waking life. They want you to start listening to what they have to say! Sometimes you get thoughts in your head and you have no idea how or why you know something, you just do. Often, we disregard these thoughts and later realize they were true! This is claircognizance, or psychic knowing. Don't second guess yourself; trust your intuition. If you walk into a room and feel the energy, or you start to feel good or bad vibes from someone you're talking to, that is clairsentience, or psychic feeling. Sometimes our guides like to actually talk to us, like a voice inside your head. Don't freak out if this happens! This means you have the gift of clairaudience, or psychic hearing. You may see visions or have vivid dreams. These are messages in the form of clairvoyance, or psychic seeing. If you want to receive messages in your dreams, meditate before bed with the intention to receive messages from your guides in the form of dreams. Keep a dream journal and a pen next to your bed in case you wake up in the middle of the night to write something down! In the morning, set the intention to recall these messages so you can write them down. These signs and symbols may not always make sense right away, but look them up and see what you find!
You have amazing gifts! It's time to awaken your higher-self, and learn how to use them.<3