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5 Ways to Practice Self-Love

By now you've probably noticed the term "self-love" comes up a lot on this website, and you may be wondering what it is and why it's so important. We spend so much of our time taking care of other people--family, friends, kids, pets, customers, coworkers--that we tend to put ourselves on the back-burner. While it's a totally awesome thing to be concerned with the well-being of everyone around us, it's equally important to be attentive to our own health and wellness. Self-love practices ensure that we take time to check in with ourselves and become aware of what's going on with our own physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

1.) Be Creative

Don't worry about perfection, just have fun! I know, easier said than me, I'm a perfectionist myself and this one takes some practice. It doesn't matter if it's dancing, music, painting, etc., just allow yourself to create. Art is a fantastic form of therapy and relaxation. Let your imagination run wild!

2.) Meditate

This can sound super boring and somewhat intimidating if you're not familiar with the idea of meditation. Not to worry, there's plenty of guided meditations out there that make it super easy and not at all boring! You do not need a lot of time; you can meditate for as little as a few minutes. It really helps you bring your awareness into your mind and body, relaxes you, and allows you to stay "in the moment". Any time you're feeling anxious, frazzled, or just generally need to get grounded, take a minute to breathe deeply and just be.

(Here's a really cool website and app that I use all the time for short meditations!)

3.) Eat Well

I'll be the first to admit that my diet is terrible...I'm working on it. Again, don't worry about being perfect. Try and make little changes to your diet each week if cutting out all the junk at one time is too much for you. (I'm right there with ya, no judging here!) Eating a well-balanced diet will seriously change your entire wellness for the better. But don't beat yourself up over every little thing! If you want a piece of cake, eat a piece of cake! Treat yo'self every now and then or you'll go crazy. ;)

4.) Forgiveness

This is a tough one sometimes. Not only do we need to forgive others, but we need to forgive ourselves. Grudges only hurt the ones who hold them. Forget the transgression, but remember the lesson. There is a lesson to be learned in everything, and it's important to hold onto these lessons so as not to make the same mistakes over and over again. Once you're able to forgive, you can move forward a freer, wiser person.

5.) Go Outside!

Nature is so healing! Spend some time each day outside in nature, even if it's just your backyard. Go for a walk, hike, kayaking, gardening, or whatever it is that you enjoy doing outside! Pay attention to what Mother Nature has to show you; there are signs all around.


6.) Ask for Help

Pay attention, because this one is so, so important. Please don't ever hesitate to ask for help when you need it. Mental health issues are real and they are not to be taken lightly. You are not crazy. You are wonderful and precious to this world. If you ever feel like you can't do this on your own, know that you don't have to. Reach out to a trusted family member, friend, teacher, or mental health facility and they will get you the help you need. If you or someone you love is in need of assistance, here are a few resources that can help:

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (available 24/7) 1-800-273-8255

Get out there and love yourself! Surround yourself with positive energy and do whatever brings you joy, so long as it doesn't harm yourself or others in the process. <3

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